Anna Olswanger
Anna Olswanger has been an agent with the prestigious Liza Dawson agency since 2005. Her experience shows in her recent sales, which have been to the larger publishing houses: Houghton Mifflin Harcourt, Random House, and Bloomsbury.
What she is looking for:
Anna is actively looking for picture books, adult nonfiction, and historical mysteries (adult). In a recent interview with Chuck Sambuchino she says, "I like working with author-illustrators of picture books for children, and I like art that is sophisticated and that leans towards fine art. I am hoping to work with more authors of serious nonfiction (politics, science, finance). Kindness to animals is a big interest of mine, as are Judaica and Israel. Two books I wish I could have agented are Start-up Nation: The Story of Israel's Economic Miracle by Dan Senor and Saul Singer and The Immortal Life of Henrietta Lacks by Rebecca Skloot. I have some interest in middle grade fiction, none in YA. In the case of middle grade fiction, the writing has to really sparkle. I would love to represent an author of adult or middle grade historical mysteries whose research is impeccable, and whose writing is sharp and reflects the research, but without the research showing. I wish there were an ancient Israel equivalent of Steven Saylor's ancient Rome mysteries."
How to contact her:
Before you contact Anna, be sure to read her bio on her website: Anna Olswanger. This will give you a very good idea of her interests. Contact her at [email protected] (no phone calls or snail mail submissions, please).
Adam Muhlig
Adam Muhlig was recently hired by McIntosh & Otis an established literary agency located in New York. He was the former Director of Rare Books and Manuscripts at Leslie Hindman Auctioneers. In addition to authors (including several United States Poets Laureate and Pulitzer Prize winners), his clients include composers, performers, libraries, archives, and various private and public educational institutions throughout the United States.
What he is looking for:
Adam is looking for fresh voices, both in fiction and narrative nonfiction. He is interested in new analyses and fresh perspectives by or about mavericks in the field of music - from jazz to classical to punk/pop - as well as texts focusing on natural history, travel, adventure and sports.
How to contact him:
Before contacting Adam, read McIntosh & Otis' submission guidelines HERE. Follow them to the letter. To query Adam Muhlig, please send the proper materials to [email protected]