Chronic Fatigue Syndrome
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Chronic Fatigue Syndrome: A Treatment Guide, 2nd Edition
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This one-of-a-kind reference – now completely revised and updated –includes over 100 effective treatments, from antivirals to vitamins, as well as locations of CFS specialists and clinics, Internet ordering information, and national, local, and international CFS/ME organizations. New and expanded sections include doctors' protocols and research on the causes and mechanisms of the illness, all written in concise, easy-to-understand language.
Every aspect of the illness is thoroughly examined, from diagnosis to an in-depth discussion of symptoms, from traditional to alternative therapies to essential coping strategies. The revised Chronic Fatigue Syndrome: A Treatment Guide remains the most comprehensive reference guide on this illness.
Praise for the Second Edition:
“Verrillo’s book is the encyclopedia of current information about Chronic Fatigue Syndrome. She not only covers history and theoretical etiologies of CFS, but provides the very best source for current therapies, which is what people with CFS really want to know! This is a reference book that every patient should have. I encourage all my patients to use this as the “go-to-reference” about Chronic Fatigue Syndrome.”
~Dr. Charles Lapp, M.D., Founder, Hunter-Hopkins Center, and medical advisor to the CFIDS Association of
America and the National Fibromyalgia Association.
"This book is extremely comprehensive and very well referenced, not only with regard to the full range of treatments that have been helpful, both alternative and pharmaceutical, but also including detailed descriptions of the history of this disorder, its definitions, diagnosis, symptoms, prognosis, mechanisms, and other aspects. All of this is done in a very readable style. I highly recommend this book."
~Dr. Richard Van Konynenburg, Ph.D., Independent CFS/ME researcher
“Books such as this empower patients to take control of their own health education and management... I admire Ms. Verrillo's comprehensive and cross-disciplinary research and feel her new work will continue to provide important and useful information to everyone interested in the field."
~Dr. Lucinda Bateman M.D., Director, Fatigue Consultation Clinic, and co-founder of OFFER (The Organization for Fatigue and Fibromyalgia Education and Research)
Chronic Fatigue Syndrome: A Treatment Guide, 1st Edition

Available from these booksellers
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The complete text of this book is available for FREE in any language on my blog, "Onward Through the Fog." Read it HERE.
The first edition of Chronic Fatigue Syndrome: A Treatment Guide (out of print) was a trailblazer when it was first published in 1998. It was the first time all the available CFS treatments - pharmaceutical, nutritional, and complementary - had been presented in a single volume. Using an accessible dictionary-style format, the authors also discussed the most prevalent symptoms caused by CFS and cross-referenced them with the appropriate treatments. Hailed by physicians and patients alike, this book remained the most comprehensive guide to treating CFS for more than a decade.
Praise for the First Edition:
“This reference guide is objective, comprehensive, and clear. It will be a valuable tool for all CFS patients. Every health-care professional who treats CFS should also have a copy of this book."
~Dr. Thomas Steinbach, CFS specialist and Internist, Houston, Texas
“I am going to recommend this book to every new patient I see. It is well balanced and complete. It is the best book I have read on this topic in years.”
~Dr. David Bell, CFS specialist, Lyndonville, NY, and author of The Doctor's Guide to Chronic Fatigue Syndrome
Amazon Barnes & Noble
The complete text of this book is available for FREE in any language on my blog, "Onward Through the Fog." Read it HERE.
The first edition of Chronic Fatigue Syndrome: A Treatment Guide (out of print) was a trailblazer when it was first published in 1998. It was the first time all the available CFS treatments - pharmaceutical, nutritional, and complementary - had been presented in a single volume. Using an accessible dictionary-style format, the authors also discussed the most prevalent symptoms caused by CFS and cross-referenced them with the appropriate treatments. Hailed by physicians and patients alike, this book remained the most comprehensive guide to treating CFS for more than a decade.
Praise for the First Edition:
“This reference guide is objective, comprehensive, and clear. It will be a valuable tool for all CFS patients. Every health-care professional who treats CFS should also have a copy of this book."
~Dr. Thomas Steinbach, CFS specialist and Internist, Houston, Texas
“I am going to recommend this book to every new patient I see. It is well balanced and complete. It is the best book I have read on this topic in years.”
~Dr. David Bell, CFS specialist, Lyndonville, NY, and author of The Doctor's Guide to Chronic Fatigue Syndrome