Publishers Weekly recently posted this interesting article (see below) about the breakneck speed at which the comics sector is expanding.
If you are a graphic novelist, click below for publishers accepting manuscripts from writers.
7 Graphic Novel Publishers Accepting Manuscripts Directly From Writers
By Calvin Reid | Jul 16, 2014
Led by book format comics with $415 million in sales, the North American comics and graphic novel marketplace generated $870 million in sales in 2013, according to a new estimate by ICV2 and Comichron, two comics industry trade news and data sources. The estimate includes sales of traditional comic book periodicals, digital comics, and book format comics in both the comics shop market, newsstands and the general book trade.
According to new estimates, the $870 million figure for 2013 can be divided into $365 million in sales from comics periodicals—traditional American comic books—sold almost entirely via the direct market or comic shop market, the network of about 2,000 comic shops around the country. Comichron also noted that about $25 million of the $365 million in periodical sales come from newsstands.
Book format comics or graphic novels, have grown into the largest section of the comics market. Graphic novels generated $415 million in sales in 2013, divided between sales in the comics shop market ($170 million) and general bookstores ($245 million).
Digital comics sales, the newest and fastest growing category in the market, are estimated to be about $90 million in 2013.
Read the rest of this article here.