For a full list of agents actively looking for writers go to: Agents Seeking Clients
Melissa L. Edwards of Stonesong
Melissa Edwards joined Stonesong as a literary agent in August 2016. Previously, she was a literary agent at the Aaron Priest Literary Agency, where she managed the foreign rights for a 40-year backlist. After graduating from Washington University in St. Louis and Vanderbilt Law School, Melissa began her career as a litigation attorney before transitioning into publishing. She is a tireless advocate for her clients and a constant partner during the publication process and beyond.
What she is looking for: Melissa represents authors of children’s fiction, adult commercial fiction, and select pop-culture nonfiction. She is looking for warm and timeless middle grade fiction and accessible young adult fiction. For adults, she is looking for fast-paced thrillers and smart women’s fiction. She can be found on Twitter @MelissaLaurenE, where she often tweets her active Manuscript Wishlist requests under #MSWL.
How to submit: Submit your query addressed to Melissa at [email protected]. Include the first chapter or first 10 pages of your work, pasted into the body of your email. Please do not send attachments.
Sara Crowe of Pippin Properties
Sara is a senior agent at Pippin Properties. She began her career at The Wylie Agency, and worked in foreign rights for 8 years. For the last decade she has been at Harvey Klinger, Inc. building a list of children’s and adult fiction including many New York Times Bestselling and award winning authors and titles. She loves finding new talent to champion, and nurturing and developing careers.
What she is looking for: Children's and select adult fiction.
How to submit: Send your query and the first chapter of your book in the body of an email to [email protected].
Margaret Bail of Fuse Literary
Margaret Bail has a BA in English and an MFA in Creative and Professional Writing. With years of experience editing manuscripts, as well as teaching university-level English and writing, she looks forward to working closely with new and established authors to help develop their voice and craft. Formerly agent at Inklings Literary Agency, she recently joined Fuse Literary as agent.
What she is looking for: Margaret is interested in adult fiction in the genres of romance (no Christian or inspirational, please), science fiction (soft sci-fi rather than hard), mystery, thrillers, action adventure, historical fiction (not a fan of WWII era), and fantasy. In nonfiction, Margaret is interested in memoirs with a unique hook, and cookbooks with a strong platform.
Fiction genres Margaret is NOT interested in: YA, MG, children’s books; steampunk, Christian/religious literature, chick lit, women’s fiction, literary, poetry, screenplays.
How to submit: To query Margaret, send a query letter, a brief synopsis, and the first 10 pages of your manuscript to: [email protected].
Cathryn Summerhayes of Curtis Brown
Cathryn re-joined Curtis Brown in September 2016 having started her literary agency career there as an intern in 2004. She established an eclectic list of clients at WME, where she worked for ten years. Prior to that she work at DGA, DHA and Colman Getty PR – where she worked on a number of high profile book events including the Man Booker Prize and Samuel Johnson Prize.
What she is looking for: Literary and commercial fiction.
How to submit: Use the form on the website. In order to submit your work, you will need the following: COVER LETTER, SYNOPSIS OF UP TO 3,000 WORDS, SAMPLE MATERIAL OF UP TO 10,000 WORDS. "Once you have submitted your novel you should then hear from us within ten to twelve weeks. If you don’’t hear from us after this time, please get back in touch and let us know something is amiss."
Peter Knapp of Park Literary & Media
Fueled by the thrill of reading a new story for the first time, Peter works creatively with clients and the PLM team on marketing, branding initiatives and promotions to get great books into the hands of readers. Before joining PLM, he was a story editor at a book-scouting agency working with film clients, and he continues to look for new ways to partner with Hollywood on adaptations and multimedia properties. Find him re-watching Studio Ghibli movies, playing board games with friends, or at PLM and on Publishers Marketplace to learn how to submit a new fiction query—he’s ready to add more authors to his growing client list!
What he is looking for: Middle grade, YA (realistic and fantasy), YA horror and adult fiction.
How to submit: To submit a manuscript for consideration, send a query letter and the first three chapters of your manuscript pasted within the body of the email to queries [at] parkliterary [dot] com. Please include "Query - Pete Knapp" or "Query - Peter Knapp" in the subject (this is important so that our mail system files it into my submissions folder) AS WELL AS THE CATEGORY AND GENRE OF YOUR WORK (i.e.: "YA FANTASY"). All material must be in the body of the email. NO ATTACHMENTS. Include all necessary contact information.You will receive an auto-response confirming receipt of your query.
"Unfortunately, due to the volume of submissions I receive, I am unable to give specific feedback on projects I am passing on, but you will receive a form reply to your query if I am passing. Please give 10 weeks before following up on your query. If I have requested your manuscript, please do not contact me for updates any time before 12 weeks from when you sent the full manuscript unless you have received an offer of representation and need a more immediate reply."
JL Stermer of New Leaf Literary & Media
Before joining New Leaf, JL Stermer was an agent at the Donald Maass Literary Agency. She is always looking for fresh and exciting projects, J.L. brings her enthusiasm to clients while helping them navigate the world of book publishing–she takes pride in being involved with her clients every step of the way. J.L. also teaches a class at the Gotham Writers Workshop: How to Get Published. Born and raised in New York City, and a graduate of Columbia University, she currently resides in Manhattan.
What she is looking for: YA and women’s fiction. She seeks voices that reflect the world as it changes, stories that share the human experience of life, love, growth and achievement. And they don’t have to be serious–having fun is very important to me!
How to submit: Send query to [email protected]. Please do not query via phone. The word “Query” must be in the subject line, plus the agent’s name, ie – Query, JL Stermer. Please also include the category (ie, PB, chapter book, MG, YA, adult fiction, adult nonfiction, etc.) You may include up to 5 double-spaced sample pages within the body of the email.