Note: You can find a list of dozens of new and established agents seeking clients here: Agents Seeking Clients
About Ed: Associate agent Ed Maxwell joined Greenburger Associates in 2011. Previously, he interned in various political offices on Capitol Hill and in New York. Ed graduated from New York University with a degree in history. Starting as the assistant to Faith Hamlin, he distinguished himself as a close reader with an eclectic range. In addition to agenting on his own, he continues to co-agent certain titles and authors while assisting Faith in managing her list.
What he is seeking: Ed is seeking expert and narrative nonfiction authors, novelists and graphic novelists, and children’s book authors and illustrators. His aim as a literary agent is to help authors grow their intellectual properties into compelling books. He is especially interested in working with authors who may publish across different genres and formats—scholarly and trade—over the course of their careers. Ed believes in popular media as a living cultural record and hopes to connect with authors of diverse backgrounds, perspectives, and voices.
How to submit: Please email emaxwell [@] with your submission under the subject line “QUERY: [Project Title].” Include a query letter in the body of the email and attach a proposal or a sample from your project (40 pages maximum).
About Aimee: Aimee has always loved books. She loved them so much that as a child, she was often caught sneakily reading Roald Dahl and Harry Potter under her desk at school. As an adult, she’s thankfully managed to make reading part of her job and is busy seeking out novels that feature engrossing worlds as well as compelling and complex female characters. She loves stories that are told from an original point of view and are as addictive as a good Netflix binge. After earning her BA from Transylvania University, Aimee moved to New York and received her Master’s from NYU. She is based in New York City and is thrilled to be a part of Brower Literary and Management.
What she is seeking: Aimee is specifically interested in literary and upmarket fiction, historical and women’s fiction, and young adult fiction (all genres).
How to submit: Queries should be emailed to [email protected] with the subject line: QUERY [Manuscript/Project Title] and include a query letter, full synopsis, and the first chapter pasted directly in the e-mail.
About Shana: Shana started her publishing career in the literary department of the William Morris Agency, where she worked for ten years. She began in foreign rights in the New York office and later worked out of the London office for two years. Shana was the signing agent for many successful authors, including New York Times bestseller Curtis Sittenfeld, author of PREP and ELIGIBLE. For the past eight years, Shana has worked as a freelance editor and publishing consultant.
What she is seeking: Shana is looking for novels with great writing and surprising plots; her favorite books fall between commercial and literary. She has a soft spot for well written thrillers and psychological suspense.
How to submit: Please submit a query letter and the first ten double-spaced pages of your manuscript in the body of the e-mail (no attachments) to [email protected]. Please put Shana’s name in the subject line of your e-mail.