Important: Always read the agent bio and submission requirements on the agency website before querying. Submission requirements often change.
If these agents don't suit your needs, you can find a comprehensive list of new and established agents looking for clients here: Agents Seeking Clients.
Adrienne Rosado of Stonesong
Adrienne has spent the entirety of her career on the agency side of publishing and joined Stonesong in September 2017. She has an extensive background in subsidiary rights and takes on projects with an eye for both domestic and international rights. Prior to joining Stonesong, she was the Literary Director for Leibo Management, an LA based production company, and the Director of Subsidiary Rights for Nancy Yost Literary.
What she is seeking: adult and children’s fiction, as well as select non-fiction in the areas of pop-science, business, and the occasional quirky history.
In both adult and children’s fiction, she is looking for contemporary, mystery, historical, thriller, fantasy, and anything with a wickedly dark sense of humor. She’s also been known to have a soft spot for Southern Gothics.
She’s especially drawn to multicultural fiction as well as lgbtq+ works. She is keen to work on projects that focus on marginalized people and people from atypical walks of life. She loves a story that makes her think differently.
How to Submit: Send your query to [email protected]. Include the word “query” in the subject line of your email. Also include the first chapter or first 10 pages of your work, pasted into the body of your email. Please do not send attachments.
Kimberly Jago of Jago Ciro Entertainment
Kimberly Jago, owner/partner of Jago Ciro Entertainment, has been a talent manager for more years than she cares to admit. For many of those years, Kimberly served on the Board of Directors of the Talent Managers Association (TMA), and was the first elected East Coast based Vice President in the 50+ year history of the TMA. Although no longer with the TMA, Kimberly now shares her experience and perspective as a member Literary Managers and Dramaturgs of America (LMDA). Always having been a avid reader, Kimberly was thrilled when approached to represent a UK based published author, and quickly established a literary division with her company.
What she is seeking: Kimberly prefers books with strong voices, rich landscapes, and an air of the mysterious and fantastic geared towards young adults.
How to submit: Email to [email protected]. Query letter, synopsis and the first 50 pages, all within the body of an email. No attachments will be opened.
Riddhi Parekh of Laura Dail Literary Agency
Riddhi was formerly a Children's Book Scout with Franklin & Siegal Associates. She earned her MFA in Creative Writing (Writing for Children) at The New School in 2012, before which she was a journalist with the broadsheet newspaper Daily News & Analysis and Head of Content at the children's magazine Young Adults (YA!) in Mumbai, India.
What she is looking for: Riddhi enjoys universal, coming-of-age stories that tackle issues of identity as well as high-stakes fiction with unexpected twists. She is always on the lookout for a good pun and is particularly drawn to whimsical middle-grade fiction, picture books, and chapter books.
How to submit: Send a concise email query letter to: queries [at] ldlainc [dot] com
Along with your book's title, please include the name of the agent you are querying in the subject field. This helps guarantee that your submission ends up in the right person's queue. (Example subject line: QUERY: TITLE for AGENT) Your query letter should include a short pitch, a short plot summary, and a short bio. Please also include publisher submission history and previous publishing credits, if applicable. If you are a debut author, do not worry. After your query letter, paste the FIRST 5-10 PAGES of your novel into the body of the email. Your writing sample MUST be pasted into the email, as they do not open unrequested attachments of any kind. You may also include a synopsis, but it's not required.