Sam Freilich (Elyse Cheney Literary) is seeking literary fiction, crime, biography, narrative nonfiction, and anything about Los Angeles. Suzy Evans (Sandra Dijkstra Literary Agency) is looking for adult and children's nonfiction, MG commercial fiction, and YA fiction. Barbara Berson (The Helen Heller Agency, Canada) is interested in literary fiction, non-fiction and YA.
About Sam: Sam Freilich studied Literature at Bard College and holds an MFA in Creative Writing from CalArts. Before coming to Elyse Cheney Literary Associates, Sam worked at the Hill Nadell Literary Agency. He also handles permissions for the agency.
What he is seeking: He enjoys reading literary fiction, crime, biography, narrative nonfiction, and anything about Los Angeles.
How to submit: Send a query lettering briefly describing your project and professional background, along with up to three chapters of sample material. Send by e-mail to: submissions [at]
About Suzy: Suzy is an attorney, author, and agent. She holds a Ph.D. in history from UC Berkeley. Her most recent books include Machiavelli for Moms (Simon & Schuster) and Forgotten Crimes: The Holocaust and People with Disabilities. She’s also a ghostwriter for a #1 New York Times bestselling author with more than 15 million copies in print and her first children’s book will be published by HarperCollins in 2017.
What she is seeking: In the adult market, Suzy is particularly on the hunt for serious nonfiction, especially by historians who are looking to make a transition from an academic to trade readership and journalists who have something unique and significant to say. She’s also on the lookout for smart parenting books with useful, original hooks that fill a gap in the market; food, cooking, health and diet-related titles, especially culinary histories of all flavors; sports books with smart crossover appeal in other genres, especially history and philosophy; self-help of every stripe by authors with national platforms and riveting, elegantly-written memoir, as well as popular culture, humor, and small quirky books.
On the children’s front, Suzy is looking for engaging, original nonfiction that makes kids excited about learning; wacky/hilarious MG commercial fiction with series potential; and YA graphic novels that bring history, literature and fascinating historical figures to life, heartwarming, coming-of-age MG works; contemporary YA fiction that tackles difficult issues and can be brought into the classroom to stimulate meaningful discussion and thought; and sweet, lyrical picture books.
Please note that Suzy is not looking for: romance, sci-fi/ fantasy, or anything with vampires, unless it’s a history of vampires, then she’d be happy to take a look!
How to submit: Fiction: Please send a query letter, a 1-page synopsis, a brief bio (including a description of your publishing history), and the first 10-15 pages of your manuscript. Please send all items in the body of the email, not as an attachment.
Non-fiction: Please send a query letter, an overview of your project including a chapter outline, a brief bio (including a description of your publishing history), a description of competing books, and the first 10-15 pages of your first chapter. Please send all items in the body of the email, not as an attachment.
Picture Book Writers: Please send a query letter, a brief bio (including a description of your publishing history), and full manuscript text pasted below your query letter. Please send all items in the body of the email, not as an attachment.
Send queries to: [email protected]
About Barbara: Barbara Berson (BA, MA), has had an extensive publishing career both in her native NYC and Toronto, most recently as Senior Editor at Penguin Books, where she acquired and edited bestselling, award-winning works of fiction, non-fiction and YA by Joseph Boyden, Colin McAdam, Lee Henderson, Roy MacGregor, Teresa Toten and Carrie Mac, among others.
What she is looking for: Barbara is interested in literary fiction, non-fiction and YA.
How to submit: Send query letter, brief bio, synopsis, and a recent writing sample to [email protected]. Query letters and writing samples should be contained within the body of the email.