Note: You can find dozens of new and established agents seeking clients here: Agents Seeking Clients
About Maximilian: Maximilian Ximenez grew up within the New York publishing industry. Prior to joining the L. Perkins Agency, he worked at Blizzard Entertainment, creators of the popular Warcraft, StarCraft, and Diablo video game franchises. He is a strong believer in publishing and narrative as a central pillar of franchise and transmedia development.
What he is seeking: Maximilian is actively pursuing clients for both fiction and nonfiction works. In fiction, he is acquiring science fiction, fantasy, horror, and thrillers, particularly cyberpunk and neo-noir as well as books with a uniquely deconstructive bent. For nonfiction, Maximilian is seeking popular science, true crime, and books pertaining to arts and trends in developing fields and cultures.
How to submit: For submissions, please send an email to maximilian [at] with your bio, a brief synopsis, and the first five pages of your book or novel in the body.
About Hannah: Before settling in New York City, Hannah worked and went to school in Denver, where she obtained her degree in Writing for Film and Television. Opportunities in New York presented themselves before she could run off to LA, and she course-corrected her career toward publishing, a dream of hers since childhood. After stints as a remote intern for a well-known agent, a bookseller at the famous Books of Wonder, an intern at Soho Press, a literary assistant at Trident Media Group, and a freelance editor working with well-known authors, Hannah joined KT Literary in 2016. Hannah is a proud geek and TV junkie, with an all-consuming love for Doctor Who, Harry Potter, and anything created by Joss Whedon.
What she is seeking: I’m looking for young adult and middle-grade, as well as some select adult fiction.
In young adult and middle-grade, I’m looking for speculative and contemporary stories, running the gamut from fantasy, mystery, horror, and magical realism to family-oriented dramas, historical fiction, and stories dealing with contemporary issues, such as mental health or addiction. I’m also very interested in finding a good, twisty mystery or suspense. If it’s historical or has a speculative bent, even better. I am into contemporaries with light science fiction elements, as well as pure science fiction with politics and an edge, or a bold reimagining of another time. I’d love to see historical fiction in both young adult and middle-grade.
In adult, I want weird and/or lyrical fantasies and speculative mysteries. I’d also love something with a good twist, like DARK PLACES by Gillian Flynn (GONE GIRL less so, but the idea is the same).
How to submit: Send queries to [email protected]. The subject line of your email should include the word “Query” along with the title of your manuscript. Queries should not contain attachments. If we like your query, we’ll ask for the first five chapters and a complete synopsis. For our purposes, the synopsis should include the full plot of the book, including the conclusion.