Kimberly Peticolas is interested in Non-fiction: Business, Leadership, Self-Help, Lifestyle, History, Military History, Children's. Fiction: Adventure, Science Fiction/Fantasy, Historical, Mystery/Suspense/Thriller, YA, Children's Books.
Ali Lake represents Fiction: Action/Adventure, Children's, Fantasy, LGBTQ, Literary, Mystery, New Adult, Thriller, Young Adult. Non-Fiction: Cookbooks, History, Journalism, LGBTQ, Memoir, Pop Culture, True Crime.
Always check the agency website and agent bio before submitting. Agents can switch agencies or close their lists, and submission requirements can change.
NOTE: Don't submit to two agents at the same agency simultaneously. If one rejects you, you may then submit to another.
You can find a full list of agents actively seeking new clients here: Agents Seeking Clients.
Kimberly Peticolas of The Rudy Agency
Kimberly is a recent addition to the Rudy Agency. She has worked in the publishing industry for nearly a decade and comes to the agency after working as an editor and publishing consultant, as well as previously running a boutique publisher. She has a passion for immersive fiction, and content-rich non-fiction. She also has a soft spot for military history. She earned an MA in Museum Studies.
What she is seeking: Non-fiction: Business, Leadership, Self-Help, Lifestyle, History, Military History, Children's. Fiction: Adventure, Science Fiction/Fantasy, Historical, Mystery/Suspense/Thriller, YA, Children's Books.
How to submit: Subject line should read "Query - Fiction/Non-fiction - Book Title" Include first 5 pages of manuscript/proposal in the body of the email. Do not send full manuscript or proposal with initial query. No attachments please. Use her form HERE.
Ms. Ali Lake of Janklow & Nesbit Associates
Ali Lake is a young agent at Janklow & Nesbit Associates building her list in nonfiction, fiction, and YA. She loves books that show her a new corner of the world or an unexpected facet of human experience through an original, surprising voice. Previous to joining J&N, she worked at ICM Partners.
What she is seeking: Fiction: Action/Adventure, Children's, Fantasy, LGBTQ, Literary, Mystery, New Adult, Thriller, Young Adult. Non-Fiction: Cookbooks, History, Journalism, LGBTQ, Memoir, Pop Culture, True Crime.
How to submit: Submissions should be emailed to [email protected]
- For fiction submissions, send an informative description, a brief synopsis and the first ten pages. Please include the sample pages in the body of the email below your query.
- For non-fiction submissions, send an informative description, a full outline, and the first ten pages of the manuscript. Please include the sample pages in the body of the email below your query.