Allison Malecha is is especially drawn to authors writing literary or upmarket adult fiction; narrative nonfiction, particularly with a historical or international dimension; social science; pop science; pop psychology; and memoir that touches on larger current issues or on the author's field of expertise.
Rebecca Sandell is looking for writing on art history, architecture, and women’s history as well as unusual memoir and literary fiction.
Always check the agency website and agent bio before submitting. Agents can switch agencies or close their lists, and submission requirements can change.
NOTE: Don't submit to two agents at the same agency simultaneously. If one rejects you, you may then submit to another.
You can find a full list of agents actively seeking new clients here: Agents Seeking Clients.
Allison Malecha of Trellis Literary Management
Allison Malecha joined Trellis Literary Management as Director of Foreign Rights after several years at Bettina Schrewe Literary Scouting, where she worked with major publishing clients in over twenty markets across Europe, Asia, and Latin America, as well as with an independent film client. Prior to working as a literary scout, she spent five years in editorial at independent publishing house Grove Atlantic, where she began building her own list under the publisher and was the in-house manager for Freeman's and The Mysterious Press. Allison grew up between the middle of Canada and the middle of the U.S, but has always found home between the covers of a book. She has a BA in Comparative Literature & Society from Columbia University, where she studied French and Czech.
What she is seeking: Allison will be looking to represent a small, selective list of domestic clients. She is especially drawn to authors writing literary or upmarket adult fiction; narrative nonfiction, particularly with a historical or international dimension; social science; pop science; pop psychology; and memoir that touches on larger current issues or on the author's field of expertise. She likes writing that crackles, and that has wells of empathy that run deep.
How to submit: Use the agency's form HERE. (Note: Allison is open to queries until September 1)
Rebecca Sandell of Pew Literary (UK)
Rebecca Sandell joined PEW at the beginning of 2020. As an undergraduate she studied English at King’s College London where she also obtained her Master’s degree in eighteenth-century literature with a dissertation on William Blake’s architectural influences. She works as an assistant across all aspects of the agency with a particular focus on international rights.
What she is seeking: She is beginning to build her own list, and is looking for writing on art history, architecture, and women’s history as well as unusual memoir and literary fiction.
How to submit: Send your proposal to [email protected] . Your submission should be in Word or PDF format and 1.5 or double-spaced. Accompany your submission with a cover letter that tells us a little about you as a writer.