Note: You can find a comprehensive list of new and established agents seeking clients here: Agents Seeking Clients
Justin Wells of Corvisiero Literary
About Justin: Justin started his journey six years ago when he began his young adult literature blog. If you had asked him then, he would have never imagined just how much his journey over the course of those early years would impact his future. Starting as an intern with the Corvisiero Literary Agency in May of 2016 quickly turned into a position as a Literary Agent Apprentice, under the guidance of Marisa Corvisiero. Being a literary agent is something that Justin has fallen in love with, and is eager to continue for years to come.
He is seeking: Justin is looking to represent middle grade, young adult, new adult, and adult novels. For middle grade, he is actively seeking fantasy, science fiction, paranormal, adventure, and historical fiction. In young adult, he is seeking fantasy, science fiction, paranormal, adventure, historical fiction, contemporary, and dystopian fiction. For new adult, he is seeking fantasy, contemporary romance, and science fiction. And, lastly, for adult, he is seeking fantasy, science fiction, and historical fiction. He would really like to see submissions for all categories and genres that have diverse main characters.
How to submit: To submit a query to Justin, e-mail [email protected] with the subject line “Query – ATTN: Justin Wells, [insert name of manuscript]”. When submitting your query, please make sure that you are making it as strong as it can be. Please include a one to two page synopsis, and also the first ten pages of your manuscript within the body of your query, at the bottom (no attachments will be accepted.
Natascha Morris of Bookends
About Natascha: Before joining Bookends, Natascha Morris worked at Simon and Schuster’s Atheneum Books for Young Readers and Margaret K. McElderry Books. Prior to that she was an intern with Sourcebooks.
She is seeking: Picture books, middle grade and young adult manuscripts across most genres, including contemporary, mysteries, thrillers, fantasy, historical fiction, and narrative non-fiction.
"As the child of an immigrant, I would love to see a middle grade that addresses that. There were times I didn’t feel a part of either culture: too German for America and too American for Germany. Many children from mixed cultural backgrounds experience this. Even if it is not about immigrants, it needs to speak to this internal feeling of exclusion outside of the normal experience. I’d love to get a young adult novel as brutal, intense, and morally complex as The 100 TV show. Not many people know I grew up very poor in Texas. My mother was going back to school and we lived in government housing. That experience shaped who I am today, but many of my friends never experienced that life. I’d love to find a middle grade novel that speaks to the struggle of the working poor (living paycheck to paycheck, having your clothes come second hand, etc.) but does so in a way that is not depressing."
How to submit: Use the agency's online submission portal HERE.