Always check the submission guidelines on the agency website before submitting. Agents may close their lists or switch agencies, and submission guidelines can change.
If these agents do not suit your needs, go to Agents Seeking Clients for a comprehensive list of agents seeking to expand their client lists.
Julia Kardon was born and raised in New York City. Her first job in publishing, while in high school, was shelving fiction at the fabled Strand Bookstore. After receiving degrees in Comparative Literature, as well as in Slavic Languages and Literature at the University of Chicago, she moved to Prague to teach English for a year. Julia then returned to New York to restart her career in publishing. She joined HSG in 2018 after building a list at Mary Evans Inc and handling foreign rights.
What she is looking for: Julia is interested primarily in literary and upmarket fiction and memoir, especially with a focus on identity or with an international lens, narrative nonfiction, journalism, and history, and her clients include New York Times Best Seller Brit Bennett, Barnes & Noble Discover picks John Freeman Gill and Leah Franqui, Center For Fiction Emerging Writer Fellow Melissa Rivero, Moriel Rothman-Zecher, Marcelo Hernandez Castillo, and others.
How to submit: Please send a query letter and the first five pages of your manuscript (within the email–no attachments please!) to [email protected]
Karyn Fischer joined BookStop Literary Agency in 2014 and is currently looking to build her client list. Karyn holds an MFA in Creative Writing, has completed three publishing internships, and previously worked as a bookseller and buyer in a small independent bookstore. Her background has given her a unique perspective on the book industry, as well as the skills to find and promote books she loves.
What she is looking for: Karyn is particularly drawn to young adult and middle grade novels. Her favorite genres include gothic novels with twisty narratives and dark secrets, historical fiction, literary thrillers, well-drawn fantasy, and heart-tugging contemporary stories. She’s looking for anything with memorable characters, an engaging voice, and a tightrope- taut plot.
How to submit: Please paste a brief cover letter and the first ten (10) pages of your manuscript into the body of your email. E-mail submissions must be sent to [email protected] and must include the word "submission" in the subject line followed by your last name and the title of your manuscript. NO ATTACHMENTS.