About Pam: Pam van Hylckama Vlieg started her literary career as assistant to Laurie McLean, of Foreword Literary Agency, in early 2012. By April Pam was promoted to Associate Agent. In her first two years as an agent, Pam brokered 24 deals, with such publishers as Knopf, Scholastic, NAL, ACE, Grand Central, and others. She joined D4EO in June 2014, where she will continue to build her list.
What she is looking for: Pam has a passion for adult genre fiction (no erotica) as well as MG, YA, and New Adult fiction.
How to submit: Submission Instructions: Please paste your query, 1-2 page synopsis, and your first chapter into the body of an email and send to [email protected]
About Mackenzie: Mackenzie Brady joined New Leaf Literary as an agent in 2014. Previously, she’d been an agent at Charlotte Sheedy Literary Agency and before that an intern at Farrar, Straus & Giroux and FinePrint Literary Mgmt. She was a microbiologist in her pre-publishing life, so she’s always on the hunt for projects that bring new facets of science to light. She is endlessly fascinated by the human body, especially the heart. Follow her on Twitter: @mackenziecbrady
What she is seeking: Her taste in nonfiction extends beyond science books to memoirs, lost histories, epic sports narratives, true crime and gift/lifestyle books. She is particularly interested in projects with a strong narrative and a female bend. She represents select adult and YA fiction projects, as well. Her favorite novels are almost always dark, visceral reads focused on the complexities of being a human. Think “Breaking Bad” and “The Wire” but in book form. She also represents illustrators (with or without book projects of their own). In the end, all she wants is to be told a good story.
How to submit: Do not query more than one agent at New Leaf Literary & Media, Inc. Send query to query [at] newleafliterary [dot] com, and put both the word “Query” plus the agent’s name in the e-mail subject line (for example: “Query for Mackenzie: [Title]“). You may paste up to 5 double-spaced sample pages within the body of the email. No unsolicited attachments. You will receive an auto-response confirming receipt of your query. This agency only responds if they are interested in seeing more.