These ten speculative fiction and poetry magazines are currently open for submissions. All are paying markets and none charge submission fees. They are looking for a wide range of speculative fiction, including horror, dark fantasy, science fiction, fantasy, magical realism, and anything else that falls within the untrammeled bounds of your wild imagination.
Image credit: Piqsels
Asimov’s Science Fiction
Asimov’s Science Fiction magazine is an established market for science fiction stories. "In general, we’re looking for “character oriented” stories, those in which the characters, rather than the science, provide the main focus for the reader’s interest. Serious, thoughtful, yet accessible fiction will constitute the majority of our purchases, but there’s always room for the humorous as well. SF dominates the fiction published in the magazine, but we also publish borderline fantasy, slipstream, and surreal fiction. No sword & Sorcery, please. Neither are we interested in explicit sex or violence." Payment: Asimov’s pays 8-10 cents per word for short stories up to 7,500 words, and 8 cents for each word over 7,500. They seldom buy stories shorter than 1,000 words or longer than 20,000 words, and they don’t serialize novels. They pay $1 a line for poetry, which should not exceed 40 lines.
"Analog will consider material submitted by any writer solely on the basis of merit. We are eager to find and develop new, capable writers. We publish science fiction stories in which some aspect of future science or technology is so integral to the plot that, if that aspect were removed, the story would collapse. The science can be physical, sociological, psychological. The technology can be anything from electronic engineering to biogenetic engineering. But the stories must be strong and realistic, with believable people (who needn't be human) doing believable things–no matter how fantastic the background might be." Payment: Analog pays 8-10 cents per word for short fiction (up to approximately 20,000 words), 6 cents per word for serials (40,000-80,000 words), 9 cents per word for fact articles, and $1 per line for poetry.
The Magazine of Fantasy & Science Fiction
"Fantasy & Science Fiction has no formula for fiction, but we like to be surprised by stories, either by the character insights, ideas, plots, or prose. The speculative element may be slight, but it should be present. We prefer character-oriented stories, whether it's fantasy, science fiction, horror, humor, or another genre. F&SF encourages submissions from diverse voices and perspectives, and has published writers from all over the world. Do not query for fiction; submit the entire manuscript. We publish fiction up to 25,000 words in length." Payment: Payment is 8-12 cents per word on acceptance.
Requirements: Must be original, never previously published, no reprints. Between 3K and 4,500K words. Must be on a word or RTF document, single spaced with indented paragraphs. No PDF files. Must type "Werewolf Submission" in the subject line. "Please include your name and email address upon your submission. Don't create Lon Chaney Jr.--think outside the box. Email your stories to [email protected]" Payment: $20 per accepted story.
DL Russell Books: Big Man Selling Calendars
Genre(s): Horror, Dark Fantasy, Paranormal. "We're looking for Dark and strange here. People you meet and come to wonder if there's something wrong with them? Those who make us ask if they're demented, dangerous, or even human?" Word Count: 1500 - 3500."Well written, character driven horror has the best chance within this anthology. Email Submissions to [email protected] with "Calendar People Submission in the Subject Heading." Payment: $25 and 3 Print Copies plus additional copies at cost.
Orion’s Belt
"Orion’s Belt is the home of bold, experimental literary science fiction and fantasy. We want stories that make us think about our place in the universe and our relationships with each other. We want stories that blur the line between “genre” fiction and literary fiction. We want stories that reach toward the stars while never forgetting the people on the ground. And we want it all in under 1200 words. It’s a difficult challenge, but we have faith in you, fellow cosmonauts. Payment: 8 cents USD ($.08) per word. This is the industry-standard, SFWA-approved professional rate. Thus, if your story is 1000 words (not counting title, byline, etc.), you will receive $80 after publication. If your story is 500 words, you will receive $40."
Mysterium Tremendum
Mysterium Tremendum is a quarterly chapbook. "Nonfiction, short fiction, and poetry that in some way examines or exists within this liminal space is welcome here. We’re paying flat fees of $50 for nonfiction (film studies welcome) and fiction of 3,000 to 6,000 words in length. All nonfiction should be formatted using Chicago Manual of Style, no exceptions. Each chapbook will be around 45 pages in length and available in limited numbers from the SMM website. Each issue will also be made available on Amazon Kindle." Payment: $25 for all poems.
Nightshade and Moonlight
Genre: Fantasy (anthology excludes erotic). Word count: 3k-8kAll stories must contain a dark fae as either the main character or sidekick. Authors may submit up to 2 stories for consideration. Payment: Accepted authors will receive $20.00 per author.
Genre: Supernatural and horror. Word count: 3k-8k. All stories must contain a supernatural and horror element. Authors may submit up to 2 stories for consideration. Payment: Authors will receive $20.00 per author.
Constraint 280
Constraint 280 is a venue for narrative speculative work up to 280 characters long. This usually means microfiction and poetry, but things like Twitter bots that generate tweets are also welcome. Experimental and interactive forms are very much welcome. Code may exceed 280 characters if the printed output is 280 characters or under. Payment: $2.80.